During a normal day of deal mining back in February of this year, one of the writers at
dealnews stumbled upon the
Zircon LaserBall 360 Laser Level for
21 cents at Polsteins Home & Beyond.
21 frickin' cents! Plus, it had
99-cent express shipping. I thought "At that price, who cares if it's junk?" and proceeded to place my order.
The LaserBall arrived in just a few days, and I was eager to try it out. But alas, we were in the process of buying a new home so my test run would have to wait. In the weeks following my purchase we closed on our new home. So that meant that after the move was complete everything on the walls from our old house had to be rehung in the new house. That's where this impulse buy really paid off. It saved me a lot time and kept my frustration levels to a minimum during my home decorating endeavor ... which was completed in a mere two days I might add. (Pretty good for a procrastinator such as myself.)
Let me tell ya, the LaserBall 360 may not be the best laser level on the planet, but this inexpensive little gem gets the job done ... and it looks cool to boot! For 21 cents plus shipping, I'm glad I took a chance on it.